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Lionel Dobie Project HQ | 91 Hewitt Street, M15 4GB
Thursday 20th June 2013
6pm - 8pm

According to Priest’s novel, ‘The Pledge’ is linked with the preparation of a magic trick, a sort of prelude during which the magician exhibits the accessories of his tricks ‘(The hat, the cups, the ball, the pack of cards)’ and secures the audience’s attention.

It is from here that this event will take it’s que with an evening of close-up magic that invites people to experiment with and learn a selection of magic tricks and sleight of hand techniques in order that they may disseminate their own working method amongst a wider network.  The event will explore how magic can be used as a way to attempt to exchange experiences, through a strategy that can be learnt with instruction and performed in one another’s company, whilst investigating the roles of secrecy and making a pledge.


This event is the first in a series of three live events from current resident Rosie Farrell, who’s research project ‘Could it be magic now’, emerges from research done into the writings and experiences of two (fictitious) magicians in Christopher Priest’s science fiction novel ‘The Prestige’.  In Priest’s novel he states through the voice of one of his protagonists, what seems to be a fundamental principle of the art of magic and conjuring, namely that magic tricks are always divided into three stages.  The first is called ‘The pledge’.
